Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday Vignette

Cobaea scandens Cup and saucer vine

Ok, I will admit it.  My ideas for posts on this blog are chronically too long, complicated and overwrought.  So here goes, one photo with one comment, once a week, on Wednesdays!

The vigorous Cobaea scandens Cup and saucer vine  on the barn decided to devise flower buds during the weeks of autumn equinox.  Two seasons of growing this annual plant,  growing maybe hundreds of feet of vine, I was ever hopeful to see a flower open.

This morning, snow on the first  flower beginning to open all year.

Silly plant or silly gardener?

Anna at Flutter & Hum  hosts Wednesday Vignette.  Check out her post and comments to see other bloggers' vignettes today.    



  1. Hi Willow, welcome to WV! I like your pic and I'd never call any of us 'silly' ;) Just ambitious :) Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. So glad you decided to participate! Blogger memes like Wednesday Vignette are so useful for coming up with simple ready-made reasons for posts. Such a pretty flower, too bad it takes so long to just produce one bloom.

  3. I'm so glad you finally got your flower, Willow - with snow, to boot. Lovely! And like Jenni said- welcome. Glad you are joining in! :)
